We are proud to support those who need us.

Here are some testimonials from some of our current and previous tenants.

Jayne contacted our services after leaving her previous partner. When she informed him she was pregnant, he asked her to leave or have a termination. Jayne was two months pregnant when she came to live in one of our shared accommodation. We supported her with applications for a council property and also contacted housing associations. We aided her in attending her hospital appointments and health checks. In Jayne’s eight months, we successfully helped her secure a large one-bedroom apartment.

Jayne Testimonial of Jayne, who was left homeless.

‘I don’t know what I would’ve done if Bridge Alternative Housing did not offer me emergency accommodation and help me with all other forms and appointments. I am still in contact with my support worker who is always on hand to help in any way. I am so pleased to be able to formally thank you so much.’

Matthew came to us after attempting several accommodations after he was left homeless when his grandmother passed away. He was struggling to make a life for himself with no fixed address and little support. We provided safe accommodation and have supported him in all areas necessary to rebuild a healthy life.

Matthew Testimonial of Matthew, who was left homeless.

‘I was brought up by my grandmother as my mother felt that she couldn’t cope with a baby. My grandmother passed away last year and I became homeless. I was housed initially by two other supported housing agencies.
The accommodation……there was no real support.
A friend of mine suggested I contact Bridge Alternative Housing, who housed me in beautiful accommodation. I am still in the same accommodation and being supported. I have made some really good friends.’

One of our greatest success stories is James. James came to us with one carrier bag of a few clothes, referred through a local agency. He had been living on the streets of Birmingham having escaped an abusive situation at home. Bridge Alternative Housing provided him firstly with accommodation where he could be safe. We then provided him with the support that empowered and enabled James to move toward a positive life.

Clothes, food, contact with extended family, and emotional and mental support all led James to gain employment and within eighteen months was awarded a position as an assistant manager.

James Testimonial of James, who was a victim of violence.

‘I don’t know what I would’ve done if Bridge Alternative Housing did not offer me emergency accommodation and help me with all other forms and appointments. I am still in contact with my support worker who is always on hand to help in any way. I am so pleased to be able to formally thank you so much.’